Fibre testing service dedicated to the specific needs of breeders.
OFDA2000 is the only image processing instrument that has passed strict testing to be recognized by IWTO (International Wool Textile Organization). This method gives you a report based on full fibre length and thus throughout the growth of the fibre.
The most advanced technology available Optic Fibre Diameter Analysis (OFDA) is a useful tool to analyze fibre and track the progress of your selection programs.
You can choose your type of alpaca fiber testing :
Simple fiber test with correction factor and Trim High On
Fiber test with Correction factor and Trim High Off
Test on washed fiber and pay online.
Next step is to take the sample, for that it is recommended to use the same sample site to compare it each year.
The preferred sample site is on the left mid side because judge take on the right side.
Upload the test fiber information sheet ( you can send the sheet by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
and send samples to
Fibre Lab and Co. 20 rue Jean Mermoz 59227 SAULZOIR FRANCE
You will receive your results the week of reception.
Example of PDF report per sample
PDF Summary report
You'll receive 2 Pdf file reports as above
We provide micron testing report for Alpaca, Llama, Angora Goat, Sheep, Angora Cashmere, Angora Rabbit...
See our rates and conditions on our website